
From Badges to Wraith Bait, you can use this handy dandy glossary below to remember all the wild and magical things from the Root Karbunklus series.

Root Karbunkulus Glossary
(in alphabetical order)
Aer - A Pyre that allows one to defy gravity.
Badge - A Dominion officer tasked with maintaining order, often targeting those without magic.
Bagnio Galitus - The mere uttering of this Stamp keeps Bonds protected from forces outside of the Clade's jurisdiction.
BeanBug - A small creature used to summon a Brédin by squeezing it, emitting a sound only audible to the Brédin.
Betty - A creeping Wisteria Vine with the ability to talk...and snoop!
Birthday - A national holiday in Lanlynne where everyone, regardless of age, celebrates being born with various festivities, including the Gift Shift.
Black Hills - A cursed land where a tragic battle took place.
Bone Grit - The title given to the legendary Finders of the past, who were revered for their ability to discover lost and valuable items. It means 'Brave to the Bone', and now applies to the new members of the Clade of Acquisitions.
Bonds - Groups of three recruits who work together in the Clade to find lost treasures.
Bratjacker (The Wolf) - A villain who kidnaps and sells children.
Brédin - Ancient beings known for their wisdom and military prowess, tasked with protecting the recruits on their quest.
Brute - A magical Knocker used for sending messages.
Clade of Acquisitions - A mysterious order dedicated to finding the lost treasures of Lanlynne.
Cold - A term referring to those who are not magic.
Commons - A magical transportation system of cars that travel at enormously fast speeds.
Copper Quill - The scribing shop in the town of Shade Howl, owned by Fledger.
Crawlways (Crawlers) - Dangerous underground tunnels where children are rumored to have been trapped by a figure known as the Wolf.
Death Brights - Razor-sharp algae.
Death Flat - A torture prison where criminals are sent.
Deathlings - Children corrupted by war and turned into violent criminals, often shunned by society.
Dominion - The governing body or authority in Lanlynne, responsible for enforcing laws and maintaining order.
Eidolon - Those who have passed on but have not yet fully transitioned to the Other Realm.
Ember - The source of magical powers.
Ember Bloom - The awakening of Ember's power within an individual.
Ember Etch - The living mark left on a person’s palm by an Ember Stamp, representing a person's strongest traits.
Ember Stamp - A magical and costly object that grants the bearer lifelong magic.
Finks - Criminals who work for the Bratjacker, helping him capture and hide children.
Flamma - A Stamp used to conjure light orbs.
Flotus Char - A specific Stamp used for levitation.
Gift Shift - A Birthday tradition where people exchange gifts randomly throughout the day, culminating in the unwrapping of an "Ender Gift" at the eleventh hour.
Guardian of Lanlynne - The corrupt leader of the country.
Halfhouse - The notorious home of The Aunts, Octavia and Carblotta.
Historeus Aevum - A chronicler who details the history of Lanlynne.
House of Gubelyn - Also known as "The Shack," this once-grand citadel now serves as a mysterious and eerie inn for the Clade recruits.
Hovermutts - A breed of floating dogs known for their efficient and companionable travel, highly desired by the recruits. A common form of travel in Lanlynne.
Identikey - A unique object that holds an individual's family history.
Inx - A giant cat-like creature with copper skin and fur.
Just Rewards Coin - A magical coin that grants a personalized reward, reflecting the true nature and actions of the recipient.
Junos - The currency used in the country of Lanlynne
Kakos (Murk Lord) - The dark and malevolent villain of Lanlynne, responsible for the ongoing war.
Kalliope - The great Healer whose attempt to heal soldiers ended in disaster due to an unknown malevolent force.
Keepers - A pair of powerful figures, both living and dead, who lead the deceased to the Other Realm.
Kin Braid - A symbol of chosen family, representing the bonds formed through shared experiences and challenges.
Klok - A toy-sized creature - usually an animal - that serves as a time teller.
Krux - A sinister curse that haunts and wreaks havoc upon the residents of the Shack.
Lexik - A person whose magic revolves around the written word.
Lightning Dart - A weapon used by the Squawnches, derived from the Lightning Stalk.
Mammoth Rock - A massive and majestic landmark in Lanlynne, home to the citadel of Monarchs, also called The Shack.
Marrow Bind - A Stamp used to force one into service.
Miist of Kalliope - A legendary elixir with profound healing properties, capable of transcending death.
Murk Lord (Kakos) - The dark and malevolent villain of Lanlynne, responsible for the ongoing war.
Natruism - The study and practice of natural magic and plant-based Stamps, often associated with the use of various magical herbs and plants in Lanlynne.
Naskaw - A monstrous beast created to hunt the young, characterized by its black hide and clawed tail.
Nest - Fortified shelters built during the war to protect children, but later compromised due to the Guardian's greed.
Nox Gobbler - A large insect that consumes Blinks and sings a mesmerizing song that can manipulate the fog in FogSquat Forest.
Parley - A magical communication device that deliver messages holographically
Pulpling - A creature that lives inside a book and only allows the intended reader to access its contents.
Pyre - A unique magical ability that an individual possesses in the world of Lanlynne.
Quantifier - A device used to measure or quantify magical energies.
Road (Relief Map) - A magical map that provides detailed reliefs and information.
Rover - A guide within the Clade of Acquisitions, responsible for leading and protecting the recruits on their quests.
Scopus Fleogan - A powerful Stamp used by Lian to unleash a swarm of Death Brights against the Naskaw, saving the Valadors from certain death.
Sea Wraith - A ghostly, hooded figure that ferries the Valadors across the ocean, demanding a fare of one drop of blood.
Shack - Term of endearment for the once-grand citadel now serving as a mysterious and eerie inn for the Clade recruits.
Shield - A large, vulture-like birdnwith deep purple feathers, used to protect homes in Lanlynne.
Skin Swapper - An individual capable of swapping between different physical forms.
Slimp - A monstrous version of a person that opposes their conscience, often leading to chaos and tragedy.
Soot Market - A black market dealing in illegal and dark magical items and creatures.
Squawnch - A once criminal turned creature known for its foul and aggressive nature.
Stamp - Magic spell.
Tagit Snake - A double-headed snake known for its ability to split into two.
​​Tint - A derogatory term used to describe children who were enslaved by the enemy and now believed to be corrupted by evil, often shunned and called Deathlings when they turn to crime.
Universal Key - A putty-like substance that can be shaped into a key.
Valadors - The name chosen by Root, Lian, and Dwyn for their Bond, inspired by a powerful raptor symbolizing inner strength.​
Walloping Green - A large, bright green spider with an attitude.
Water Glyph - A magical communication device using water.
Wilma - A chameleon-like pet lizard belonging to Krism, capable of camouflaging herself and others.
Wingbit - Fledger’s sentient bat companion.
Wits - A type of Pyre that involves mind control.
Wraith Bait - A type of bait used to attract Sea Wraiths .
Word Pantry - A small book wardrobe, the size of a closet.